Forms for Parishes/Business Office
June 1st
Parish, Mission, Campus Ministry, and School Budgets due
July 31st
End of Year Financials Due (as of June 30th) with Parish Representation Letter
Be sure to include comparative income statement and balance sheet
Forms & Procedures
Insurance Forms
Property & Liability Insurance, Accident/Incident Claim Forms, Certificates of Insurance, Insurance for Foreign Mission Trips and International Travel, Tenant User Liability Insurance Program, Student Accident Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance.
Construction & Improvements
For projects costing over $10,000. The diocese employs a two-step process for approval of expenditures exceeding $10,000 in cost.
Guidelines & Policies
Alcohol Policy for Parishes, Construction & Improvement Guidelines, Guidelines for the Acquisition of Real Estate
Accounting Procedures
Parish Chart of Account, Leadership Services Quarterly, Reporting Timeline, Annual Diocesan Assessment, Agreed Upon Procedures
Reporting Timeline
General Reporting Timeline and Coming Events
Scheduling Visits with the Business Office
We are available to meet with our parishes, missions and schools to which they may be of assistance with regard to financial, insurance and reporting matters. Our Diocesan Finance Officer welcomes any pastor’s invitation to attend Parish Finance Council meetings at which she may provide clarification or information on diocesan procedures and policies.
Business Office Staff
Jill Braniff
Diocesan Finance Officer
Margie Glennon
Associate Director of Business Affairs
Mickey Finley
Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable Clerk
Tracie Cook
Megan Johnson
Office Admin. Assistant
If your location utilizes Shelby Systems accounting software and you require technical assistance or training,
please contact the Business Office at (318)868-4441.