YEAR-END FINANCIALS (as of 6-30-25) are due to the Business Office by July 30, 2025. Please submit Balance Sheet and Income Statements for all parish, quasi-parish, Campus Ministries and schools as of June 30, 2025. Remember to include written approval (signatures) of Pastor and Parish Finance Council Chair. Also, be sure to submit the Annual Parish Representation Letter signed by the Pastor.
Forms for Accounting Procedures
This letter is submitted each year with the Fiscal Year End (June 30) financial statements. Please edit as appropriate for the year in question.
Forms for Employees / Payroll Manager
IRS Group Ruling — 501(c)3 Determination Letter
Each year in July the Internal Revenue Service affirms 501(c)3 status for all Catholic parishes, schools and institutions as they are listed in the Official Catholic Directory by providing a letter to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Together with the listing of our parishes in the Diocese of Shreveport, this letter serves as verification that our churches and schools are, in fact, 501(c)3 organizations as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service.
A copy of this letter and listing is maintained by the Diocesan Business Office. The current letter can be accessed here for the purpose of proving 501(c)3 status for your parish or school. 2024 Group Ruling
Federal Form W-9, revised March 2024 (our churches are C-corporations)
Forms for Construction & Improvements
For detailed information on requesting approval for construction, improvements, and purchases that will cost $10,000 or more, please visit the Construction & Improvements page of our site.
Sample Finance Council Resolution (fillable pdf)
Sample Pastoral Council Resolution (fillable pdf)
Vendor Insurance Requirements
For more detailed information on obtaining vendor insurance certificates, see the Construction and Improvements page of our site.
Forms for Insurance Claims
Property Loss Report (fillable pdf)
Accident/Injury Report (fillable pdf) *If the accident/injury involved a student, then use Student Accident Insurance Claim form.
Claims must be submitted through the Diocesan Office of Business Affairs. For more information, please contact the Business Office at (318)868-4441.
Forms for Insurance Coverage
Mobile Equipment: Add or Delete Coverage (fillable pdf)
Vehicle or Building: Add or Delete Coverage (fillable pdf)
For more detailed information on our TULIP Insurance program, please visit the Property & Liability Insurance page of our site.
Inflatables Guidelines (to be signed by principal or pastor if inflatables are used at sponsored event)
Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance is afforded to all students enrolled in our schools and pre-schools. The coverage is secondary to the parents’ primary insurance coverage. Claims are expected to be filed as soon as possible, but must be filed within sixty days of the date of accident in order to be considered for possible payment.
Claim Form (print out and complete)
Other Policies & Guidelines
Construction and Improvement Guidelines
Please call the Office of Business Affairs if you have any questions related to these forms and procedures at (318)868-4441.