Sacrament of Reconciliation
Not only does it [the Sacrament of Penance] free us from our sins but it also challenges us to have the same kind of compassion and forgiveness for those who sin against us. We are liberated to be forgivers. We obtain new insight into the words of the Prayer of St. Francis: "It is in pardoning that we are pardoned."
Jesus entrusted the ministry of reconciliation to the Church. The Sacrament of Penance is God's gift to us so that any sin committed after Baptism can be forgiven. In confession we have the opportunity to repent and recover the grace of friendship with God. It is a holy moment in which we place ourselves in his presence and honestly acknowledge our sins, especially mortal sins. With absolution, we are reconciled to God and the Church. The Sacrament helps us stay close to the truth that we cannot live without God. "In him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
~from the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults | en español - via USCCB Website
Confession Times
Cathedral of Saint John Berchmans - Shreveport
Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 pm or by appointment.
Christ the King - Bossier
Fridays 5:00 to 6:00 pm, First Saturday 9:00-10:00 am, Saturday at 3:30, Sunday at 8:30 am.
Holy Trinity - Downtown Shreveport
Saturday from 3:15 to 4:00 pm or by appointment.
Mary, Queen of Peace - South Bossier
Sundays at 10:30 or by appointment. For an appointment, please call the church office at 318-752-5971.
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament - Shreveport
Saturday 3:30 to 3:55 pm and Sunday 8:30 am to 8:55 am
Sacred Heart of Jesus - West Shreveport
After Wednesday Morning Mass or by appointment (except Mondays).
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Southeast Shreveport
Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 pm, Sunday 10:00 am to 10:45 am or by appointment.
St. Jude - Benton
Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:50 pm, Saturday from 3:30 to 4:45 pm or by appointment.
St. Joseph - Shreveport
Monday-Saturday at 7:30 AM, Saturday at
2:30 PM, Wednesdays at 5:00 PM
St. Mary of the Pines - Shreveport
Sunday 10:30 am to 11:15 am & Saturday 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm (and by appointment 318-687-5121)
St. Pius X - North Shreveport
Saturdays at 3:30 pm.
St. Joseph Church
Saturdays 3:15 pm to 3:40 pm.
St. Lucy
Sundays 8:30 am 8:45 am.
St. John the Baptist
Saturdays at 3:00 pm or anytime by appointment. Confessions are appointment only during the COVID pandemic. Please call the church office to reserve your appointment
Jesus the Good Shepherd
Tuesdays 4:00 to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.
Little Flower of Jesus
Saturday from 3:15 to 3:35 pm or by appointment.
Our Lady of Fatima
By appointment - 318-325-7595.
St. Matthew Church
Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 pm or by appointment.
St. Paschal - West Monroe
Wednesdays 4:15-5:15 and Saturdays 4:00 to 5:00 pm.
St. Thomas Aquinas
By appointment.
St. Clement
Sunday 8:15 am to 8:45 am or by appointment.