Upcoming events
Calendar Request Form
Please fill out the form below if you want to submit a request to have your event added to the calendar. If you have any questions, please call 318-868-4441 ext. 263

Young Adult Holy Hour @ Saint Mary of the Pines
Bishop Malone will preside at the St. Mary of the Pines Young Adult Holy Hour on May 10
at 6:00 pm. Confession will be available, as well as the opportunity to go out to eat after the
hour ends.
Red Mass @ Holy Trinity
Music by Zion Baptist Church Choir will begin at 8:30 am. Bishop Malone will be the principal celebrant and homilist.
SJS Alumni Fish Fry
The SJS Alumni fish fry will be held in the Family Life Center after the 12:30 pm Mass.
Latin Mass | Solemnity of All Saints
Missa Cantata - Cathedral Choir will sing William Byrd’s Mass for four voices.
Holy Trinity 165th Anniversary Mass
A special Mass to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the dedication of our parish church (the third of three on our campus) and the 165th anniversary of the founding of our parish. Bishop Malone will be present to celebrate Mass at 10:30 am on Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021. We will debut several commemorative items, announce some large donations, present our first annual "Trinitarian Award," and reveal another special surprise.
2021 Diocese of Shreveport Convocation of Pastoral Leaders
This gathering will be for all pastoral leaders (Priests, Deacons, DREs, Youth Ministers, RCIA Coordinators, etc.) across the diocese whether employees or volunteers but ANYONE is welcome to attend.
Two identical 90 minute sessions will be offered at 10am and 6pm for your convenience.
Magnificat Brunch
All women are invited to Magnificat's Brunch, Saturday, August 21, 2021 from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at The Catholic Center, 3500 Fairfield Ave, Shreveport, LA 71104. Our brunch includes a meal, fellowship, praise and worship and a speaker. The August speaker is Linda Balistrella, a life long member of St. Joseph's Church. Linda and her husband, Sam had a beautiful spiritual journey together while Sam was battling prostate cancer. Come and hear of the amazing graces the Lord shared with them over the years and how He put special people in their lives at just the right time.
Tickets are $20.00 per person. Checks should be mailed to Magnificat Nowela Chapter P. O. Box 4293 Shreveport, LA 71134 by August 14, 2021. Please include the name of attendees with your check. For questions call 318-564-2672 or 318-222-0007. We are looking forward to being together again!
The Music Ministry of the Cathedral of Saint John Berchmans Presents: The Three Cathedral Organists
On the weekend of the 400th Anniversary of the death of Saint John Berchmans, come enjoy the music of the three Cathedral organists, Aaron D. Wilson, Father James R. McLelland, and Bryan C. Bierbaum as they feature the works of Dupre, Bach, Ficarri, Franck, Fey, and Teague, as well as many others. Premiering an original composition by Johnum Palado.
Protecting God's Children
Live Class - Catholic Center
Register Online at https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/reg_list.cfm?theme=0