“A Vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people.”
— Pope Francis
To start your journey of discernment for the priesthood, consider Evaluating Yourself using the 20 Qualities below for Discernment in Priesthood. For each item, rate yourself on a scale from 0 to 5: a score of 0 means you don't exhibit that quality at all, while a score of 5 signifies that quality is very apparent in your life. The maximum achievable score is 100. Be completely honest and fair in your self-assessment.
____1. I love Jesus Christ and I have a desire to bring Jesus and his teachings to the world.
____2. I am striving to be a devoted and practicing Catholic Christian man.
____3. I aspire to lead a life centered around prayer, it is my heartfelt desire.
____4. I am committed to serving others and aspire to lead a life dedicated to helping those in need.
____5. I feel a desire to be a priest, though it is sometimes stronger than at other times.
____6. I have had others tell me that I should be a priest or that I would make a good priest.
____7. Engaging in prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture has led me to contemplate the possibility that I may be called to the priesthood.
____8. I seek to lead a virtuous life.
____9. I enjoy being in the company of others and possess strong social skills that allow me to connect with them.
____10. I have the necessary intelligence to complete graduate-level coursework and serve as a priest.
____11. I have the physical, emotional, and psychological stability needed to become a priest.
____12. I am joyful and I have a good sense of humor.
____13. I have a “priest’s heart.”
____14. I believe that I have the self-mastery to be a good priest.
____15. Generally speaking, I have demonstrated stability in lifestyle.
____16. People who know me would say I am a Christian gentleman.
____17. I have had events happen in my life that seem to be signs pointing towards priesthood.
____18. I can accept both success and failure without losing my peace.
____19. I believe that I have a healthy psycho-sexual development and orientation.
____20. I am trying to be truly open to the will of God for my life.
Tally up your score. Ready for the next step? Email Father Raney, Vocations Director at rjohnson@sjbcathedral.org. In the meantime, pray that God will help you to develop the qualities that need strengthening. This will make you a much better Catholic man, even if you are not called to become a priest.