2025 Catholic Service Appeal
Building Our Faith
Would you consider making a donation to the 2025 Catholic Service Appeal?
Your donation will support…
Providing for the education and formation of our Seminarians remains a large part of Appeal allocations. Your Appeal gift helps these men to become your future priests.
Retired and Infirm Priests
Caring for our retired and infirmed clergy is another major Appeal focus. Our retired priests deserve our care and compassion as they seek a life after service to God’s people.
Catholic Schools
Our Catholic Schools remain a sign of who we are as an active, successful Catholic diocese. Your gift helps our Catholic school system to remain the hallmark of who we are as the faithful of our diocese dedicated to educating our youth to serve Christ and each other.
Multicultural Ministry
Reaching out to our growing and vibrant Hispanic community remains a part of funding to incorporate the faith and traditions of our Spanish speaking believers into the fabric of who we are as a diocese.
Outreach: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Being there for our brothers and sisters in Christ during natural disasters is one reason St. Vincent de Paul is effective as an outreach to the needy in our diocese.
The Catholic Connection Magazine
Appeal funding provides for our Catholic Connection to be mailed to every home of record within our diocese – free of charge. Your gift helps this award-winning publication to continue to set the standard for informative and insightful Catholic press.
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Your Appeal gift will help to further the development of a comprehensive youth and young adult ministry plan fostered by the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. This department seeks to educate our Youth Ministry leaders with the very best in outreach and ministry to our young Catholics, while striving and succeeding to recruit, promote and enhance Church Leadership among our young people. This includes the very popular “Theology on Tap” program which is now active in all three Deaneries of our diocese.
Pro-Life Ministry
Activities respecting life continue to gain momentum across our diocese. Appeal subsidies also provide our worship locations with pro-life materials and information while supporting the annual mission of the National Committee for Human Life and the Louisiana Catholic Conference Pro-Life Committee and their January “March for Life.” The popular Annual pro-life oratory contest sponsored by the diocese is hosted each year at the Catholic Center features presentations from high-school-aged young people of our region.
Restorative Justice
The late Reverend Richard K. Pusch was a towering figure in the world of prison ministry within our diocese for many years until his untimely death in July of 2010. Although his passing was deeply felt in the prison ministry community, new faces of caring and compassion stepped forward to continue his legacy of providing care and understanding to the thousands of people incarcerated within the boundaries of our diocese.