Remembering Saint Vincent’s Academy & The Daughters of the Cross
Do you have memories from Saint Vincent Academy? Email pictures and memorabilia to autoharpor@gmail.com or mail them to:
Madeline Elford
855 Fairview St.
Shreveport, LA 71104
A Poem by Madeline Elford, SVA class of 1959 on the demolition of the school.
“When I was in high school we found out that there would be a new St. Vincent's and that our building would be demolished - which it was starting in 1972. I wrote this poem as a result probably as a senior. At first. we were told out beautiful chapel would probably remain. Course, that was not possible so the last couple of lines had to be added. I felt honored when Sr. Dorothea, a wonderful historian, included my poem in one of her books.” -Madeline Elford
Saint Vincent’s Academy and Convent Museum
“The Daughters of the Cross arrived in America from France in 1855 as missionaries and teachers. They opened St. Vincent's Academy in Shreveport in 1868 and taught there until 1988 when the school closed. Their impact continues to this day. This video shows some treasures in our museum honoring the Daughters of the Cross and the many students who benefited from their labors of love.”
Saint Vincent Academy Exhibit at Slattery Library