Catholic Center Facilities
The Catholic Center is located at 3500 Fairfield Avenue in Shreveport, Louisiana, just two blocks east of Interstate 49. It’s the perfect place to host your conference, gathering or graduation event.
Director of Facilities
Ed Hydro
318-868-4441 ext. 277
The Diocese of Shreveport Facilities Department based in the Catholic Center on Fairfield Avenue provided support throughout 2021 to numerous diocesan and local community events: Loyola College Prep, Drama performances, Holy Trinity sKidz Camp, Magnificat brunches, Knights of Columbus 4th Degree, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Circle of Catholic Women, Teen Busqueda Retreat, Ark-La-Tex Genealogical Association, meetings and Protecting God’s Children and Greco Classes just to mention a few. They also supported through the use of Catholic Center facilities the local arts community; Shreveport Opera auditions and rehearsals, along with Michael Turney Agency auditions and training classes. The Diocese of Shreveport Facilities staff looks forward to another full year of activities and events in 2022.